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موضوعات مرتبط
Cover image for product 0730300269
ISBN: 978-0-7303-0026-7
552 pages
November 2012
This is an out of Print Title.
  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
  • Hallmark Features
Contemporary Issues in Accounting is written for upper level, advanced financial accounting subjects. The text explores advanced accounting concepts and policies by applying them to a range of contemporary accounting issues.
The accounting topics discussed reflect the issues that are being considered currently in professional practice such as approaches to measurement, fair value accounting, the Conceptual Framework, corporate governance, environmental accounting and sustainability, earnings management and the financial indicators of corporate collapse.
The practical orientation of the text makes it ideal for a capstone subject whereby students can use the accounting knowledge attained during their studies to discuss, analyse and critically evaluate a range of issues they are likely to encounter upon entering the accounting profession.
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