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Cover image for product 140516798X
Cross-Cultural Psychology
ISBN: 978-1-4051-6798-7
548 pages
October 2015, ©2013, Wiley-Blackwell
Title in editorial stage
  • Description
  • Author Information
This proposed book will explore human behavior in a cultural context. Over the years, studies of diverse cultures have helped us to understand human behavior in a global sense. These stuides have indentified cultural universals such as color perception, language acquisition, emotions, health behaviors, and more. In this book we will examine cultural differences as well as similarities, and address common stereotypes and expectations that people have about different cultural groups. Each chapter will provide up-to-date information on cultural universals and differences for varying aspects of human behavior by starting with relevant background and biological bases for the given behavior and then providing a more comprehensive appraisal of psychological principles and relevant research findings. The book will provide a sociopsychological approach to understanding culture and human behavior and include topics which have not been amply presented in prior texts such as health, stress and behavior, mental health, intelligence and other psychological testing.

The proposed text will include special features as well as other features found routinely in most texts.

Special Features:

  1. “The Way I See It!”

This feature will be on the first page of each chapter and focus on a specific question on applicability of a concept in the particular chapter to other cultural groups. It will include an opening question and also make suggestions about some things to do or consider as they think about the question. This feature has been used in a Health Psychology workbook that I authored and has received positive feedback. It encourages critical thinking and application of key psychological concepts in diverse cultures. The last and most important aspect of this special feature is that students come to understand that there is no right or wrong response, and that it is a representation of their opinions or perceptions before and after studying the contents of a particular chapter. For instance, a chapter on motivation could begin with a question like “Does Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs applies to people in a traditional Indian village? What do people from non-western cultures value most?” As an introduction to a chapter students will be given an opportunity to think about this question either individually or through group discussions, and also after the chapter is covered.


This feature will be somewhere in the first half of each chapter. It will feature a specific behavior, condition, or issue among a particular cultural group. The purpose of this feature is to further educate students by highlighting points of differences and similarities between the reader’s own cultural group and that of the featured group. After reading the account in the “zooming in” feature, the students will be encouraged to:

    • Express their initial thoughts and views about the account
    • Take a second, but more depth look and identify points of similarities and differences by comparing the group in the account with the student’s own group
    • Go more in-depth and try to identify the function of the behaviors and rituals described
    • Last, students will have an opportunity to reflect on how the issue or topic being discussed relates to their individual lives

For example: For a zooming in feature about funerals in Ghana and how Ghanaians honor the dead and celebrate their lives, the reader will read about a special feature in the National Geographic Magazine (vol. 186, no. 3, September 1994) titled “Fantasy Coffins of Ghana.” After reading about the account, students will be encouraged to do more of an in-depth analysis by identifying points of similarities and differences and then considering possible functions of the rituals and norms described. They will also be encouraged to see how certain aspects of the behavior or ritual may relate (or not relate) to their own experiences.

3. The chapters in the proposed book are arranged such that they serve as a basis or foundation for subsequent chapters. For instance the introductory chapter (which defines basic concepts) and the research chapter are followed by the chapter on social and human development (which explores how people with different cultural backgrounds are socialized). The appropriate sequencing of chapters is crucial because the reader has a better understanding as they move along through the chapters. For example an understanding of the difference between collectivist and individualistic cultures in the first chapter helps the reader understand why a developmental milestone such as menstruation is celebrated differently in diverse cultures, etc.

4. Last, each chapter will begin with an introduction of individuals with different backgrounds and cultural norms. Throughout the chapter, the reader will be referred to the specific case and try to figure out how they may perceive different issues presented.

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